Questions & Answers
How often are the water and bathroom breaks?
Marathon Water:
1. .78 Franklin Street
2. 1.7 Erickson Street
3. 2.32 Hwy 80/82
4. 3.43 Jensen Road
5. 4.27 Cty H (with GU)
6. 5.58 Tunnel Hill Road Crossing # 3
7. 6.75 Town Line Road
8. 7.56 North End of Tunnel
9. 9.28 Cty H
10 11.3 Cty A
11. 12.9 Orange Line Road
Coming Back:
12. 13.3 Orange Line Road
13. 14.9 Cty A
14. 16.92 Cty H
15. 18.64 North End of Tunnel
16. 19.45 Town Line Road
17. 20.62 Tunnel Hill Road Crossing # 3
18. 21.93 Cty H (with GU)
19. 22.77 Jensen Road
20. 23.88 Hwy 80/82
21. 24.5 Erickson Street
22. 25.42 Franklin Street
Marathon Bathrooms:
.75 - Elroy Commons, nice bathrooms
4.85 - Porta Potties
7.5 - Campground type bathrooms at north end of tunnel.
11.3 - Village of Hustler, nice bathrooms
Then coming back, the same restrooms in reverse.
14.9 - Village of Hustler, nice bathrooms.
18.7 - Campground type bathrooms at north end of tunnel.
21.35 - Porta Potties
25.45 - Elroy Commons, nice bathrooms
Half Marathon Water:
1. 1.8 Cty A
2. 3.82 Cty H
3. 5.54 North end of tunnel
4. 6.35 Town Line Road
5. 7.52 Tunnel Hill Road crossing #3
6. 8.83 Cty H (with GU)
7. 9.67 Jensen Road
8. 10.78 Hwy 80/82
9. 11.5 Erickson Street
10. 12.32 Franklin Street
Half Marathon Bathrooms:
1. 1.8 Village of Hustler, nice bathrooms
2. 5.54 North end of tunnel, campground type bathrooms.
3. 8.25 Porta Potties
4. 12.35 Elroy Commons, nice bathrooms.
Is there a course map available?
Click here for a map of the marathon and half marathon courses:
Basic Information about the Marathon & Half Marathon
The half marathon starts in Hustler at 8:00 with the bus leaving Elroy at 7:00; the full marathon starts in Elroy at 7:00. Runners who will need 6+ hours to complete the marathon will start at 6:00 (only for 6+ hour runners!)
The runs are mainly on the Omaha Trail. The trail is shaded and beautiful, so enjoy. The trail is open, so you will probably encounter bikers, both coming at you and from behind. Please run on the right side. If you are running with a partner, please go single file when encountering other traffic.
You will cross township and county roads approximately 12 times. YOU are responsible for your safe and respectful crossing. We will have orange-vested workers and water stations at most of these roads but not all. The workers will help control traffic but they are not police, so again, please be careful and courteous.
The workers will have water and Powerade available on tables as soon as you cross the intersections. These stations are always between 1 and 2 miles apart. The workers will also place a trash box about 50 yards beyond their stations, so you can toss your cups into them. If you miss, don’t worry about it, we will have a clean-up crew following the runners.
There are restrooms at the Elroy Commons, porta-potties about 4 miles from Elroy, restrooms at the tunnel, and restrooms in Hustler at the Community Hall (about 50 yards off the trail).
We will have runners GU available at one station. Half marathon runners will hit this at about 9 miles. Marathon runners will hit it at about 4 miles and at about 22 miles.
The 875-foot tunnel is about 3.8 miles from Hustler. There is a slight grade up to the tunnel and a slight grade down afterwards. The tunnel will be brightened with gas lanterns; please be careful not to knock one over. The tunnel will provide uniqueness and adventure but extra caution should be used. Problems that could happen include: a slippery service, runners that choose to walk, bikers in the tunnel, getting dripped on, cool temperatures, the lanterns going dead, or meeting a train (just kidding!). Again, enjoy the tunnel but be reasonable and use extra caution. We do feel that you should be able to maintain a reasonable pace.
The bridges can be slippery, especially with rain or the morning dew, be careful. Also, most bridges have a slight (1/2 inch) raise to them from the trail, so please lift your feet and try not to trip. The trail does have some rough spots and possibly some small potholes (these are usually marked with paint).
Miles will be marked on the course. Also, any turn will be clearly marked with orange paint or tape. If you need help, any of the workers will have a cell phone. We will have an EMT along with an ATV at Hustler and we have a doctor at the Elroy Park. There will be a chiropractor on the trail about four miles from Elroy.
Friends can go on the trail or at any of the intersections to cheer you on, take pictures, etc. Picture taking at the tunnel will require you to walk north from Town Line Road about .7 miles. This will take you 10 or 15 minutes so plan accordingly.
Fruit/bagels, and beverages will be available at the end of the race. Of course, all participants get a free and delicious apple dumpling! ☺
All runners get a finishers medal when they complete their race. First, second, and third place winners in all of the categories will get their medals as soon as possible. The overall race winners will get special medals and we would like to take pictures of them.
If you didn’t get a shirt today, we will re-order and mail them to you. Please allow one month.
Thank you for participating. We hope you have a wonderful experience and come back again.