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Kids Race Information
The 200 Yard "Kids Apple Sauce Run" - 7 and Under
The 1/4 Mile "Kids Green Apple Fun Run" - 12 and Under
Time Schedule:
6:00-9:30 -- Race material pick-up and race day registration
10:00 -- Kids Apple Sauce Run begins (7 & under)!
10:15 -- Kids Green Apple Fun Run begins (12 & under)!
Race Fees:
$10 by 6/15/2024
$11 by 7/15/2024
$12 by 8/15/2024
$15 through the day of the race
Runners will receive:
* a t-shirt
* a medal for everyone
* a delicious apple dumpling!
* post-race refreshments
* a free movie pass to the Elroy Theater
* other miscellaneous donations

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